All Gone
By DarkPaladine
It's all gone,it's all gone where once
stood a happy home.
It stood here apon this land,now all
that is here is a pile of sand.
The house we built that was our home
It is no longer there it is all gone.
The dishes the t.v the vcr,the washing
machine the microwave and our other car,
all gone.
The clothes that we wear the toys our
children share,all gone.
My wife stands by my side,behind her
hands her tears she tries to hide.
We built our home apon this shore
and now it's gone thanks to Isidore.
I hold my wife and children we feel
so sad we lost every thing and that is
But we are here together this is true,
and soon we will start over and begin
brand new.
One great thing we learned from
Isidore,is not to build our home
near the sea shore.
Yes we will rebuild and it will
be grand,but this time it will
be further inland.