By addicted_angel
Let me strip the layers of life from your veins
and drink the sins of your past as
I cut them from your fingertips
driven only by the unyielding desire
to please you, to control you, to own you.
To Knowingly, teasingly, tempt and
torture you so sweetly that your sanity
now rests in my hands, in my fingers,
in my tongue as it traces the curves of your frame,
in my undeniable power as I
traverse the deepest darkest secrets of your flesh,
in my lips that bless your skin so gently
exploring and conquering every corridor of your mind.
Controling the very beating of your heart
and the flight of your soul.
Feeling you release in it's entirety your strength
with a single moaning exhale barely beyond a whisper
finally shattering the silence that was once
so deafening, so intense that I could hear your
heart pounding and your body as it trembled
beneath the promise of my touch as time after
time I escort you to the point of release only to
step into the shadows and study your body's
movements as you relax and slowly, silently ask for more.
Would I give you more or linger with such pleasure
at the sight of you begging with your body
to be touched once more?
Could I deny your plea to extend the
pleasure that you've dreamt of?
Only if you believe......
Comments on "Believe"
A former member wrote:
Fantastic! Loved it!
On Saturday, August 7, 2004, DarkWolf
(415) wrote:
Deeply, Wickedly, Beautifully Erotic. The very first line caught me by the throat and held me tight till the end. Thank you for this one. -Michael
On Saturday, August 7, 2004, Crystal Passion
(221) wrote:
oh my, this piece gave me goosebumps