in the shadows of her whispered plea
"i'll throw myself away"
echoes the fragility of existence
life dangling on threads of dismay
memories fade, like dust in the wind
lost in the flow of time's cruel stream
little soldiers march, hearts in tow
in and out of love's haunting dream
a yearning for beauty, a craving for pain
to find purpose in the chaos, to strive in vain
do we believe it in our heads, or just play along
as life slips through our fingers, a fleeting song?
echoes the fragility of existence
life dangling on threads of dismay
memories fade, like dust in the wind
lost in the flow of time's cruel stream
little soldiers march, hearts in tow
in and out of love's haunting dream
a yearning for beauty, a craving for pain
to find purpose in the chaos, to strive in vain
do we believe it in our heads, or just play along
as life slips through our fingers, a fleeting song?
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Copyright 2024 LIFEINVADER
Published on Friday, March 8, 2024.
Filed under: "Comedy" and
"Graphic Art"