+Love is War+
By Domenta
What is love but a battle field
Torn limbs
Broken hearts
All layed out to be displayed
Scars that run deep
heart ache that sometimes can't be healed
Yet we throw our selves so willingly into this war
Always saying this time we will win
We will stand before all at the top of the mountain
victory in our hands
only to fall
Then curse and question
why not me?
We are slaves to this war
its perfect little soldiers forever marching
praying to survive its wrath
And some do
But each heart, its own battle field
in this greater war
Making us stronger
and sometimes even bitter
Staining our souls
as we march searching
searching for the one who can fix us
Clear us of our battle wounds
and some times forgetting
that they to have fought this war
and share the same scars as we do
Love is war
it leaves us
and torn
Riffles in hand
in this never ending battle
for love
Author's Note:
just a sorta rambling i guessComments on "+Love is War+"
On Sunday, March 4, 2018, Just Dave
(448) wrote:
Very profound and thought provoking. Great write. JD
On Saturday, March 3, 2018, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
This was some ramble! A wonderful stream of consciousness flow on the battles we fight in the name of love, in the hope of finding the ultimate love from another who understands perfectly the fight. Great stuff.
On Sunday, March 4, 2018, Domenta
(9) wrote:
Thank you greatly :) and ya sometimes my poetry turns out to be rambles or rants