A Dandilions story of sun & moon ***********************
By MR feathered fox
She gravitated towards his kiss
Tha heat against her pale skin
in the moments
They shared reunited
alone in space and time....
She wanted to be more then just
A drifting pupil in his eye......
More then just a one night stand in the sky...
More then just another beauty passing him bye
Like those shooting starz
He shot down before her....
For he was always the light of her life
She wanted to be a honeymoon for him to remember
Dripping in gold
She wanted to bask in the glow of his warmth
To die elated
To feel the burning passion
Of his eyes sun set on her!!
And her only
She wanted to be married amongst the heavens....
She wanted him to take the ring
from Saturn
And place it on her
In the night hour
When the night was tharz
And their souls eclipsed
Amongst the starz.
But they are like night and day
meridiem & postmeridiem
4 she was blind
And he shed light on that
Her dark side warned her
Opposites would attract
But loves like a gravitational pull
It keeps pulling her back
They met on cloud nine
And like the hands on the clock
Running in circles
They'll meet
when the time is right
For she will always come back to him
They only heat
A blind eye can feel
In the pourly gates of her soul
Forever she'll be his ashy moon
As forever we will honer their love in bloom