Haiku (2011-2016)
By watercolor
Deadnettles bloom white
around an arcane haven
Sun birds through clear skies
Bicycling around
I pass my old neighbourhood
Only strange faces
On the garden swing
her hair at times shrouds her face
like clouds the full moon
Mountain Deity
inside its crystalline womb
a fairy gestates
Gathered sipping tea
the Teacher's silence expounds
whilst cicadas pray
The fan turning hums
lolling muggy memories
Beer cools in the fridge
Rising and falling
conditioned phenomena
Grasping at shadows
The lamp casts shadows
a nocturnal butterfly
sets its wings ablaze
Train whistle afar
pierces the desolate town
What was I dreaming?
Lord Pandemonium
gallantly at the helm strays
Demon night parade
Chiaroscuro moss
gleaming back on stone
Sedulous the sea
on the shore--treasure, refuse
Somnolent the sky
Dusk at cloud-forest
a solitaire bird warbles
while Venus winks back
Through naked branches
an entangled pearly kite
flutters for release
Clear libation streams
from the whitest of jade cups
Black the hand that pours
Author's Note:
DP Haiku (2011-2016)Comments on "Haiku (2011-2016)"
On Saturday, August 14, 2021, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Wonderful collection that you've amassed over 5 years with many, many stand outs.
A former member wrote:
I truly enjoyed your imagery and the flow of this piece...thanks for posting it
A former member wrote:
I love many of these Haiku. Thank you for the read.