Dark De Ching part I

By Bill_Hicks


Dark that can be seen is not Dark

Darkness that can be seen is only a shadow of the Darker than the Darkest Poet
Dark is the void of space and the mind that perceives it;
Darkness is a glimmer of Light into the infinite.

Therefore: Light cannot exist without Dark, but Dark can exist without Light.

It is only human perception of Darkness that prevents us from viewing the infinite
So to be selfless
Is to become one with


When Darkness is recognized in the world,
it becomes Light
When Light is recognized in the world,
what was once Light becomes Dark once again


The Sun blinds mortal eyes who try to consume it whole 
The Moon absorbs gazes and howls while submerged in a black vacuum
The Stars swim invisibly with each equinox
The Lunar Crescent is carved from solar shadow
The Comet is wisked along by fiery ice
The Asteroid longs for gravity in it's perpetual free-flight
The Human peaks up at alien planets
The Alien peaks back at the human observer

The Dark Poet realizes the complexity of the Universe
Internally creating  Niagras of beauty
Much too precious to be conveyed with mere words
Externally displaying only a pearl of it's ocean treasures


Not speaking allows the mind to think
Not hearing allows thinking to be creative
Not grasping at ideas allows creativity to flow
So the Dark Poet speaks to people by:

Ignoring their problems
but justifying their dreams,
Deconstructing their concepts
but boosting their psychic prowess

If too much Light is allowed into the mind,
it will spoil like produce in the hot Sun.
The Dark Poet fills minds with emptiness
allowing spacious internal landscapes to grow


Dark is endless to no beginning
Heaven, Hell and Earth are not enough to describe it
It cannot be seen, heard, touched or sensed
All the Light of the Universe is not enough to glimpse it
Even Dark Poets know nothing of it's origin;
It predates Poetry


Darkness plays with all mortal souls,
it casts shadows onto cave walls for it's own amusement.
Dark Poets play with the Darkness,
like taming a Tiger, it must be dealt with fearlessly.

Like the wind, it moves things without being glimpsed.
The more you fight it, the harder it pushes you back.
Dark Poets put up a sail,
gliding along effortlessly.

Light Poets drown in the murky undertow.


All that is and ever will be is pregnant with life,
yet we still fear the Dark.
Only inside the Dark womb does all life begin.
A woman's womb who is pierced too oft with Light
will never give birth.


Darkness is everlasting because it does not boast of itself.
Like a canvas, it simply holds the creatures of Light together
Becoming irremovable from the grand picture.
Dark Poets are quick to self-deprecate and are praised for doing so
Only by jumping into the abyss can one be saved from it


The subconcious is like the depths of the ocean;
Light does not penetrate it, yet it is teeming with life.
Mortals have tried to explore it and are destined always to fail
Hence it is eternal.

Dark Poets always express ideas which are impossible to understand:

Giving a treat to Schroedinger's Cat,
Carving a birdhouse from a grain of sand,
Praying to the ground for the sky to give mercy,
Melting a wisp of fire into a school of fish

If you want to make sense of these riddles,
know only that they are
what you're mind makes of them
Dark Poet


The brighter the Light, the Darker it's shadow.
The stronger the Ale, the harsher it's taste.
The larger the wave, the deeper it's trough.
The sharper the mind, the clearer it's guilt.

Write your life's story without conforming to the audience.
This is the way of the Dark Poet.


The Dark embraces all souls after death.
During life, all mortals flee the Dark like a bird chased from it's nest.
We suspect that the Dark is like a serpent of Eden, intent on swallowing our eggs,
so we rush back to the nest when all seems lost
and find our yolky jewels unscathed. 

The Light rejects all souls during life.
Mortals try and grasp it's glorious efflorescence,
only to find a chalky skin of irritating dustiness.

Dark Poets embrace the Dark, like an Ourobouros biting it's own tail.


Though a human life is viewed as valuable,
it is only when they're dead and rotting in the dirt
does Nature find them useful.

Likewise, though a virgin girl is seen as wholesome,
it is only when she is ready to submit her body to a man
does shes find love and profit.

The best things in life are always considered evil.
Good samaritans are looked at as spoil sports.


Preaching the gospel alerts the Devil's advocate.
Showing off breeds contempt in the souls of the jealous.
Promoting humility is a logical paradox.
Looking for clues only creates a mystery.
Doing nothing at all is simply impossible.

The Dark Poet does none of this;
Singing and laughing are the only objectives.


"The world is all that exists. Do not be fooled by your own senses!"
speaks thus the Light Poets.

"The world does not exist unless we make it exist. What you say is a shadow cast against a wall."
retorts the Dark Poet.

For how can we trust a conclusion about our senses being wrong
when it is these same senses that came up with the conclusion?

Do not trust anything anybody tells you about what you experience,
not even the Dark Poet.


Dancing but cannot be danced with; it is a forest Nymph
Hilarious but cannot be joked with; it is a dangerous Jester
Intelligent but cannot be reasoned with; it is an Oedipal Sphynx

Does this make it any less beautiful?
Water runs between our fingers when we try to grasp it,
yet it is sought after by all living things.
Fire burns the hand that meets it's embrace,
yet warmth abounds in it's mere presence.
This is because Darkness does not need to be understood,
just accepted for what it is. 

You're choice in all of this really does not matter;
Darkness will abound either way.
The Dark, however, will not be so nice.


There was once a time when only holy peoples were literate.
Words were not comprehended by the whole tribe,
so sacred mysteries were passed down orally. 
Even modern writings display but a fraction of their wisdom.

Like melting glaciers, they were feared and admired at the same time.
Like crossing hot coals, they treaded lightly with full purpose.
Like pestilent mice, they entered households in silent necessity.
Like Spring floods, they rushed forward exuberantly after the dead of Winter.
Like petrified wood, they stood hard after many long years.
Like the Grand Canyon, they were carved from a cataclysmic event.
Like a swamp, they remained as dirty as they were clean.

A swamp is a beautiful place to the insider, a nightmare for the outsider.
This is because an insider knows all of it's secrets, while an outsider loses their footing quickly.
The same thing applies to a Dark Poet wishing to join the shamanistic ranks.
Only by submitting to the swallowing whole can one be spit out as an insider. 


To constantly seek the Light creates restlessness,
To accept the encroaching Darkness puts one at rest.

Nature composes things only to have them decompose.
The tree sprouts leaves only to have them fall to the ground.
Leaves fall to the ground only to be turned into dirt.
They are only turned to dirt so that more trees can grow.
Trees only grow so that they can sprout more leaves.

Tis such with human souls.
We consume the Earth as much as we can
until the Earth itself ultimately consumes us. 

Keep this in mind when you reach the end of your life
and you must bleakly look down the tunnel of Light.
It is actually a glorious return to Darkness.


The Lord of Darkness rules in the shadows
nobody knows he is there
but he is always watching.

Loathely Light Poets wish to be praised
while demons of Darkness wish to be feared.
Demonic Light Poets are hated by everybody.

The Dark Poet does not need to influence the subjects;
by mere existence alone is the world created.
Without saying a word, thine will be done.


When the Sun rises, we are all forced from pleasant sleep.
Trudging through the day, we anticipate peaceful rest at last.

The Darkness in our minds still remain, 
giving way to daydreams and fantastic happiness.

Family may pass away,
but we celebrate their lives and the return to Darkness.

Empires rise and fall
upon the background of the eternal Dark.


If you consider yourself the Dark Poet,
you are not nearly Dark enough!

For the Dark Poet realizes that all things, living and non-living, are the Dark Poet.
When one is connected to the Universe on such a level, nothing can phase them.

This is why the Dark Poet remains silent:
it is well understood that nothing can be done, nor can nothing be done.

Whether one chooses to speak or think,
the will of the Dark Poet flows through them.

There is no telling anybody this eternal secret.
They must discover it for themselves.

Some mortal souls never find out,
They remain as Light Poets forever.


The Dark Poet is not nearly Dark enough.

There is still the sense of acceptance and unacceptance,
There is still the Angel and Demon upon the shoulder,
There is still a human will to hide from the night.

People look at the Dark Poet as a monster,
but the mortal fools have yet to see the Darker than the Darkest Poet!
Like a child developping in the womb, the Darkness is home and savior.

To be falsely judged and labelled a criminal, this is the destiny of the Dark Poet.
It is a hard, self-destructive life with no reward.
Only a fool would embrace such a fate.

A mind full of spiralling sentences subtracted of syntax
A mouth full of half lies and half truths never completing themselves
A body full of toxic malevolence lacking in basic survival instincts

These are only a few brief descriptions of the Dark Poet not yet Dark enough.

The Dark Poet Dark enough is dead.

This is the true test of the Dark Poet:
Will you fear death?

If you don't, the sweet bosom of eternal night will cradle your soul like a loving Mother.


Love is the Darkest thing you can express.
To emotionally control somebody for reproductive purposes:
Surely there is nothing more Dark.

Hatred is viewed as an attribute of the underworld,
but see how visible it is on the surface of Midgard

Anger is felt as the absolute fire of hell burning throughout the whole being,
but notice how it quickly turns into hot steam

Sadness is painted with a thick, blue brush 
but if you appraise Lapis Lazuli you will find much gold

Lovers go hand in hand towards the Darkness
because they know that their emotions are illusions of Light

This is the way it was meant to be
Darkness absorbing everything that's been created


Descend and you will discover,
Stupify and you will learn,
Blacken and you will create,
Rot and you will grow,
Dream and you will awake,
Enlighten and you will die.

The Dark Poet does not fear eternal Darkness
Understanding that the world fundamentally is Dark.

To be revealed by Light is to be burnt,
To bring things to Light is to be proven wrong,
To speak of one's eternal Light is to blather,
To attain ultimate Enlightenment is to be cursed,
To become a Light Poet is to trouble one's self.

Great Old Ones were once worshipped by humankind
The Terror that Walketh in Darkness still has a cane


Beware those who talk too much,
They reek of Light Poetry.
Like a candle that burns twice as bright
Lasting half as long
There is nothing but waxy ashes to accompany their boastfulness.

Follow the Dark voice and you will speak true
Love the Dark feelings and you will be happy
Go down the Dark path and you will never get lost

There will always be Darkness within you; accept it.


If you stand on two feet long enough, you will eventually drop
If you walk too far, you will run out of places to go
If you exist for too long, you will get bored of life
If you do the right thing too much, you will lose self respect
If you speak the truth too much, you will be seen as a liar
If you have too much pride, you will be hunted for your furs

These are the flaws of the Light Poet
Darkness will engulf them at last


In speaking of the Dark,
It is difficult to avoid
What may be viewed as 
Being a braggart.
Yet those who truly know
The majesty of Darkness
Know that speaking of it's majesticness
Is impossible,
So that trying to define it
Creates Darker shadows
Unable to emerge from the human mind,
Cementing how deep the Dark truly goes.
In this way,
When the Dark Poet speaks of Darkness
What is really being said
Is that Darkness cannot be talked about
Only listened to in solitude
Which is feared by the Light Poet.

The Dark Poet creates Light,
Light Poets emerge to banish the Darkness,
The Dark devours all Light.
Darkness remains eternal.


The grave is the source of all Light
Death sponsors action within the mind
Kings used to eat with skeletons to remind them of their duty

Embracing the Light, they become dust
Trusting the fire, they spontaneously combust

The Dark Poet never loses sight of impending death
This is the source of all courage.


The God of space cannot be located.
The God of speech cannot be discussed.
The God of logic cannot be remembered.
The God of security cannot be chained.
The God of magic cannot be tricked.

The Dark Poet sees all of existence
As a journey through infinite deities.
Since God is everywhere
He is nowhere.


Knowing the male and the female
The Dark Poet picks no side in gender.
He is not she and she is not he,
neither is it "it".

For any one word to describe the Dark Poet would be redundant.

Even having it suffice to say that the Dark Poet is all of human language is not enough
Considering the Dark forces that drive us which cannot be talked about
Or thought of.

Only the eventual recession into Darkness can manifest an answer
Close enough to what we can call "Dark"

For the Darker than the Darkest Poet allows nothing to escape.

So then, the Dark Poet uses words as an ironworker uses molten lead:
By melting solid metal into a liquid state
The primitive and unusable becomes valuable
By returning crude matter to an ancient perfection.


Those who view the world as radiant
With all perspectives originating from them
Is doomed to failure.

The world is Dark;
there are an infinite amount of perspectives
which we will never see in our lifetimes.

Trying to be bright, one becomes dim.
Trying to be safe, ones becomes flimsy.

Flowers are spawned from dead plant matter,
Hardships are created by someone else's joy,
Strong beasts are the results of natural selection,
Discoveries are made after a million wrong turns.

The Dark Poet only knows loneliness.


Aspiring Dark Poets are warned against listening to the voice of the Darker than the Darkest Poet,
which takes away as much power as it gives:
In destroying your enemies, you are also destroying yourself,
and all the learning will have been for nothing.

A Great Dark Poet is always tempted 
To join that great howling eternity of ecstatic freedom,
No mortal man has ever experienced.

Carrying out the true destiny of the Dark Poet
Is to face this ultimate high and have the strength to refuse it.

All dictators and serial killers have failed.

Selling out their souls for the cheap thrill of bloodlust,
They become Light Poets; morsels for the Great Beast that waits in the Dark. 


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Copyright 2016 Bill_Hicks
Published on Monday, April 4, 2016.     Filed under: "Spiritual" and "Poetry"

Author's Note:

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Comments on "Dark De Ching part I"

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  • Dimensions On Thursday, February 11, 2016, Dimensions (94)By person wrote:

    Wow. Epic. The visuals and intelligence of this piece are amazing.

  • Bill_Hicks On Thursday, February 11, 2016, Bill_Hicks (9)By person wrote:

    Much appreciated, Dark Poet. May the Darkness be with you.

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