By Bill_Hicks
Dark that can be conceived of is not Dark.
Not even the dead know the end of it's limits.
Darkness can at least be seen: you view your shadow on the road
But can you grab it? Is there an essence inside which can be extracted?
No and yes; there is the essence of Dark which slips through all fingers
and minds
Filling the universe with a Void, it is the grab itself
So Peter cried for quite literally nothing
Dark and Darkness are too often confused, like wine and champagne
One is an archetype, the other an outstander
From the inconceivable prima materia of Dark, Darkness penetrates into
the world of Light
And men can thus conceive of it, calling it all fears and sins
We view sleep as a journey into Darkness
All creative dreams spring from the apparent nothingness within our heads
Darkness makes things; Dark cannot even be dreamed of
It provides the background for all to be created
What underlines our fear of death? Darkness, not Dark
The Darkness of death is only temporary, we all know that
Flowers bloom from our helpful corpses
Returned to the Earth, once again
Dark is too scary to be feared. The terror it brings is yet unknown among
This is why the spirits of the deceased still wander in ghostly apparitions
They still fear the Dark after death, trying to be noticed by us
Hoping the Light of another's eye will bring their souls providence
If this were to all disappear, be truly eternal Dark,
There couldn't be an experiencer to feel the pure solidarity
So it is beyond our expectations in this life to think we're in control
It could all become purely Dark much too easily
Dark Poets let life pass over their head, what a waste with all this writing!
When told news that they'll be dead, find it not too sad; exciting!
Apollo shines, his arrow bright
Bacchus dines, with all delight
Medicine and wine are one
Same with the Moon and the Sun
Looking into it's glistening rays for too long
You become blind
What a candidate for Darkness if there ever was one!
Despite it's blight of being bright
The Sun is our main source of Light
But Dark is more important, think:
Why is it that humans blink?
To save our eyes from being fried
Try not to blink
Have you ever tried?
The human eye takes in more Dark
than Light, with colors, dares to mark
Dark that can be seen is not Dark
Darkness that can be seen is Dark
So only for a split second do we view the Darkness at the back of our eyelids,
Taking pictures to be used in our dreams
The Light of what we see everyday is wiped from our memory over time
Dreams are all too soon forgotten in the morning
The only thing that remains eternal is Dark. Dark which cannot be perceived
Mystery creates the gap
For our wandering fantasies to excitedly fill
Dashed by Light's biting reality
These day dreams are mourned with floral arrangements
The dead constantly lament for the living,
Viewing their daily lives remotely,
They don't want the living to waste their lives
Vessels who receive these messages
Often are frightened of Darkness encroaching
But have no faith in Dark, the source of all Darkness
It has and always will be