Nightmare Ending
By Skittles4life
As the tears welled up
And spilled over her lids
Staining her rosy cheeks
She closed her eyes
Remembering the wonderment of her past
She sighed as a half-hearted smile
Curled at the corner of her lips
That smile soon faded
As the tears fell
Like mighty rushing rivers
Pounding over a waterfall
To the rocks below
Once her mind was full of joy and hope
All that remained within
Are the nightmares of pain, fear & abandonment
Her once pure of light heart
Now was simply nothing more
Than a dark & barren wasteland
Beating slowly within the cavity of her chest
She craved nothing more
Than to feel the grace of love
Upon her soul once more
She attempted to make sense
Of all her thoughts & feelings
Trying to search within for the answers
Ever reason drew a blank to her thoughts
Reassuring her conscious with ease
That she had done everything in her power
To make their union successful
Though there was no possibility of such
She focused her mind
On what steps she needed to distribute next
She needed to stand her ground
Finally on her own two feet
Take her life into her own hands
And leave behind this prison of hell
She had made the calls in her life for so long
It was not time
To close the door on this chapter
And begin anew.
Comments on "Nightmare Ending"
On Tuesday, March 11, 2014, Commander_Cadaver
(233) wrote:
Times can get hard and all we can do is march through the dark, no matter how hard it is. The good memories are there to help with that. can just go on a killing frenzy. Either or. But nice write.