A time and place for everything
By A soulless dark angel
There's a time and place for everything,
But there's no where I belong,
There's a time and place for everything,
This quote plays in my head like a song,
There's hate in my eyes,
A force that's been realized,
And it's during this time,
That I shall fight,
Are the nights really so thin?
That one slip up could be a major sin?
There's a time and place for everything,
Both living and dead,
There's a time and place for everything,
Even those that isn't said,
You tell me this every day,
Over and over this is what you say,
There's a time and place for everything,
But is this really true?
Should I drop what I'm doing and look for that little clue?
There's a time and place for everything,
Well this quote is a lie,
My time is up,
And I never had I a place where I belonged,
There's a time and place for everything,
Accept for me,
Cause I'm not part of everything,
For everything has a time and a place where it should be.