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Beautiful day, beautiful morning
Beautiful morning, middle
of May
Middle of May, birds singing
Birds singing,
believers pray
Believers pray, people mourning
mourning, on open doorway
On open doorway, phone ringing
Phone ringing, furniture splitted
Furniture splitted,
broken sill
Broken sill, floor flooded
Floor flooded,
lying still
Lying still, knife-blooded
of own will
I killed a man
Of own will, knife-blooded
Knife -blooded, lying still
Lying still, floor flooded
Floor flooded, broken sill
Broken sill, furniture splitted
Furniture splitted, phone ringing
Phone ringing, on
open dorway
On open doorway, people mourning
mourning, believers pray
Believers pray, birds singing
Birds singing, middle of May
Middle of May, beautiful morning
Beautiful morning, beautiful day