Your love is lost

By LostInDarkness

A work inspired by silly girl. (revised.)

[i was yours, but i cant be anymore]

This pain you gave me
It broke me
Healed me
Saved me

And for that, i thank you
But now its time for you to go
I know it hurts you
Just like it hurt me when you left

[throw the knife]

That is what i said
That day you called me, wishing life would end
But life doesnt end
It still goes on, it will always go on

And the wind blew that day
But it blew in the direction it wanted
It was very cold that day
But the wind blows in the direction it wanted to

[your beautiful, never let someone say differently]

You always wondered if you were pretty
But you arnt
Your simply beautiful
And its true


Im sorry i called you that
I hope you know i didnt mean it
It was wrong of me to say that word
And made you believe it

[please stay, i need you]

I did need you, i really did
But you no longer believed in us
You let others decide what to feel
Knowing that i would fight for you

[ill fight for you, unless you tell me to leave]

I did fight for you
I fought till i couldnt anymore
Yet i still fought
Knowing it was a losing battle

[its time for you to go, forget about me and live your life]

I was trying to save you
From living a life with me
A loser, and outcast
A screw-up

I never understood what you saw in me
And i never will
Im nothing special
Just a guy who brought you down along with me

[bye mariah]

That was the last thing i ever said to you
It is time for you to move on with your life
Get over me, live your life to the fullest, be happy
But most of all, stay alive, because there are people who care about you

[this is goodbye..]

A word a never said to you, something i tried not to
But i feel that now is the time to say it
Im really sorry if it hurts you but..
This is goodbye...

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Copyright 2012 LostInDarkness
Published on Saturday, July 28, 2012.     Filed under: "Poetry"

Author's Note:

please let me know what you think.
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Comments on "Your love is lost"

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  • katlady121690 On Sunday, July 29, 2012, katlady121690 (19)By person wrote:

    absolutly loved this piece. it really spoke to me in the dark times I am going through losing my boyfriend yesterday.. I read this and felt like it was him that wrote that to me. it was kind of scary.

  • A former member wrote: true and honent depiction, liked the way you you chaptered this out, allowed the recipient the get a feel for an overall situation that played out over time.. raw piece indeed.

  • A former member wrote: Lost... I'm touched. This piece really made me cry at how realistic this is... And like Robyn said, it's hard to let someone go, and it's best to give up the things we love at times. Best regards, friend. I hope to see more and be emotionally pulled like this one.

  • Nehema On Sunday, July 29, 2012, Nehema (958)By person wrote:

    I've had to say goodbye to few that I wasn't good for even though I loved them. That's how you know you love someone - when it's in their best interest to let them go even though it is hard and you want to keep them. This was very well written - It flowed Beautifully and the line breaks are perfect - XXOO Scholar

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