The Lizard Mind (Part IV): GDTRFB
By cadymae
The Lizard-Mind rides shotgun as I step on the gas
Feel the
engine surge through the gears gathering up power
The Lizard-Mind
breathes out a long A-h-h-h-h-h-h-h
Mouth agape at the top of
the windshield
Driving towards pasts dark with survival
He raggedly draws in air to vomit out his laughter again
Throws it at the world
with life - adrenaline - p o w e r
The unthinkable is already
I can see you. I am your other?
You ride me because I LIVE.
I awakened under you and now charge
us both down the road
Engine screaming
dim world blurs
and we both laugh
in the semi-dark
of the interior
we both are awake
to share tonight.