Insomnia You Bitch
By Little_Zombie
Restless slumber
Keeping me awake for hours
Time ticking away
Back and forth
Driving my brain mad
Keeping me laying there
Still as a corpse
Watching the hour hand
Move at the pace of paint drying
Holding on to my sanity
Or what’s lefted of it
Time of the night
It’s like a clock
Day and night
Refusing to let me slumber
Having nightmares
Fear of being killed in my sleep
Eaten alive by a zombie
Flood my sub-concision
You are my demon
My worthy foe
You keep me on my toes
For ever more you ungrateful whoe
You take me by night
You cause me suffering by day
Tweaking me daily
Crying for energy weekly
Mumblings about giants
And little zombies monks
Slumber I beg you to come
Quickly and peacefully
Before the dawn seeks to kill the moon
Bring for once a slumber fit for a king
Mister Sand man bring me a dream
I just beg this night
Let me dream of sugar plums
And dancing fairies
I beg for slumber
And not for this
That has haunted me
And stalked me from a peaceful sleep.
Author's Note:
couldnt sleep of course so I wrote thisComments on "Insomnia You Bitch"
A former member wrote:
Oh I know this enemy all too well. It sucks because trying keeps you concentrating just enough to keep you awake.