Good Enough
By OptimisticPessimist
Am I good enough?
To adhere
Your love?
Am I
good enough to rise above
The grasp of mania
And insanity?
Am I worth enough to be brought to
The bank
have I fucked myself over
Once again because I am nowhere near
Perfect, population: 0
Am I worth enough to
with this hellish,
Am I good enough.
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Copyright 2012 OptimisticPessimist
Author's Note:
Enjoy...Had to get this out...Awards
Comments on "Good Enough"
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A former member wrote:
I fucking love this....beautiful
On Friday, March 9, 2012, OptimisticPessimist
(29) wrote:
Thank you...
A former member wrote:
You remind me a lot of me when I was younger...and not just the hair color. Your words are honest and I hope you continue to post here. If you get to check out more of my stuff, I have a poem called "Try.". I wrote it when I was 18.
On Saturday, January 14, 2012, OptimisticPessimist
(29) wrote:
Will do. Thanks.
On Saturday, January 14, 2012, OptimisticPessimist
(29) wrote:
Thank you...Word choice is my weakness so I'm enthralled to hear, well, read, it's improving.
A former member wrote:
It's good for you to release such emotions. Enjoyable in that if only, but still excellent choice of words.