The Escape Of First Love
By pureevil8
So gently at first,
like a long soft passionate kiss,
to virgin eyes,
a temptation not to be missed,
Luring, with
cunning precision,
all will follow,
With empty hopes and hollow
There has never been remorse,
There has never been
an escape.
Only the embracing arms of a blanketing darkness caressing
you like a long lost love.
It's so comfortable in the darkness.
So easy to turn your head to the bitter world,
The world that has
brought you so much pain and sadness.
A world that showed you such
a powerful love,
Only to rip it violently and without warning from
your vulnerable hands.
So you settle into the vast darkness that shows
unconditional love through the promise of an end to the pain.
no one is there to warn you of the price you must pay.
So you take
your first steps into oblivion,
Never looking back to see what you
leave behind,
And you are reborn into the night,
With nothing but the maddening thoughts of a love you may never regain,
And an eternity in this place somehow seems so close.