How Many Have Bled, For Little Red?
By climaks
Everything you thought the end would be…
Is this how you shape integrity?
Placed upon your wrist,
Beating on your sleeve…
You smile at me so sweetly
Through that heart of mine you’re eating.
Damn this girl
What has she done with the wolf?
Why are you laying in her bed,
Why are her roses in your soiled hands?
My what big teeth you have to lie to me with.
Get out of grandma’s dress.
Put it back in the coffin.
[Is it your fault for what was done here?
Or is it mine for arriving late?
The truth is in the batter,
The witness is in the cake.]
Is this the ending you just thought up?
Bleeding your heart out into a cup,
Just to make yourself smile?
Is it enough?
You pressed our lips so sweetly
While your hands cut at me lustily.
Damn this girl
What has she done with the wolf?
Why are you so forceful with the locks?
Don’t you have the decency to knock?
My what big eyes you have to see through me with.
I’ll just get undressed.
You‘ll just force your way in.
Keeping this promise would ruin the ending…
And I doubt your integrity
That wasn’t your heart
Bleeding on your sleeve…
You took my hand so sweetly
As you put gashes in the sweater you made me.
Damn this girl
What has she done with the wolf?
Why are you turning the other way?
Don‘t you want to dance on my grave?
My what big teeth to you have to smile at me with.
That dress is so ridiculous
And I fell for it.
How grown up you have you become?
Coming to the wolf in his own damn home
Murdering the wolf in his own damn home
Oh, God look at how you’ve grown.
Wearing my smile on your little red hose
Wearing my blood on your little red hose.
How grown up will you become?
Murdering the wolf in his own damn home
Wearing my blood on your little red hose.