It Can't Happen to us
By DarkPaladine
It can't happen to us,It won't happen to us
we all say, not now ,not ever, and not today
Yes that is what we all say, until it does happen to us.
When disater hits, it takes possessions and
loved ones away. We say it can't happen to us
We always assume and think it happens to him
the other guy,but not me not us not I.
And when it does we cry out, O" God why?
Maybe i should not have laughed at the other
guy. Maybe I should have sat down with him
and cried.
But that won"t change the damage,or bring back
the loss of lives.
Instead of laughing and going my way,I think
I'll stop and kneel down to pray.
And thank God for all I have today. I'll always remember not to say that
it can't happen to us for it did on that 9/11/ day
For that day in my memory and heart it will
always stay. For you see It can happen to us
Instead I will remember that it can