Big sister we failed to survive
By Pureheartless
The darkness creeps in like a crawling child
trying not to make a sound.
but ingolfing others making them
and their screams.
just like trying to make a fool of a clown
as the black pinchs white.
and darkness beats light
we shall spin in utter lust.
i lay among your breasts
and as i feel your heart beat race from your chest
i know your just as scared as me.
untill our father comes in
and flips that switch
we are powerless to the unholy witch.
and she'll bake us a cake while inviting us in
we know we should take heed of her evil grin
we walk inside and the rest lies of the story lies in her stomach.
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© 2008 Pureheartless
Published on Tuesday, May 20, 2008.
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