By qrt_inch
Dreaming of the perfect sunny day,
When my kids can go out and play.
When I won't have to worry,
If the neighbors are trustworthy.
I don't want them to have to face,
What I, as a child, had to embrace.
Dreaming of the perfect rainy day,
When my kids can have friends over to stay.
When I won't have to worry,
If the friends they have are unworthy.
I don't want them to have to feel,
What it's like to have friends that steal.
Dreaming of the perfect day,
When my children can openly pray.
When they won't have to worry,
If their neighbors are trustworthy.
I don't want them to have to see,
What life is like without the Key.
Dreaming of the perfect life,
When my children's children suffer no strife.
When they won't have to worry,
If their childrens' friends are worthy.
I want them to be able to see,
How beautiful this world could be.