By Petra Creffield
The kick and the crunch
The almighty punch
Of reality breaks through
Dawn fresh in realisation
Is this my station?
Alight, I just might
Take the next ride out
Of this god-forsaken town
Find a new light
To twinkle and shine
I lost my gloss
Along the way
No joy in this boy
Lacklustre skins sweats
My hormones rush through
Heat rushes disturbing all sleep
Leaving me in heap
Of wet dawn mess
Just to undress
Feel your skin
Touch mine
Would be sweet and sublime
Some things are now
Don’t ask how
The flowers just be
Is not for me
Such simplicity
Chaos confusion continue to rain
Darkening skies in my soul
Can’t see no way out of this hole
Oh for that break
Such sweet release
From keeping the peace
Without and within
You are my sin
Lets rock this quo
Till there’s nowhere to go
But here.
Petra Creffield 2007
Comments on "Awake"
On Thursday, August 16, 2007, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
The photo and poem go together really well and the flow of the poem was wicked. Wonderful cascade :) -Carl