"...and Mother Nature is gonna come and jerk it right back away from us in a blink of the eye if we're not careful." Posted by manywalks on "Planet Earth" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"awesome. one of my fav movies growing up turned into one of my fav poems. i absolutely love it." Posted by Unknown on "Alice" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"i stopped reading right after the title.. its the name of one of blink 182's old albums..how could you?!" Posted by Unknown on "Cheshire Cat" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"I found the penultimate stanza fascinating - the way that tasting death in the air is described as pure. Nice work. ~ Psychotic " Posted by Unknown on "By fire be purged" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"I am liking what I have stumbled upon here. I must reads the rest of your works. You have me yearning for me. The images are what I yearn when reading poetry. =-MO-=" Posted by Unknown on "Sorrow of the Metal Overlord" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"I could not stand the corruption
I was blinded by my rage
So i took a vow to the universe...that was excellent work! -Silver
" Posted by Unknown on "Warrior of the Void" by Reichsfuhrer-SS
"Gilded knights in shining armor
Never moving, ever guarding
Their endless silent vigil
Keeps my kingdom safe - this part especially gives me images of silence and ghosts...creepily awesome" Posted by gracefullytorn on "Sorrow of the Metal Overlord" by Reichsfuhrer-SS