Comments by All Members
- "unusual format..a little jerky to read, but a cool write otherwise. welcome to dp and thanks for sharing."
Posted by natalie on "Waves of change" by Osha Red
- "there is a freedom to these words... a playful but penetrating revisioning that is fresh and intriguing... I wonder at some of the choices, perhaps more abstract than my palpable for me, but I did enjoy the ride along the imagery and the many tropes tripping me along the way... "I paint you in dress and mellow fence. I defend the touch of verb to the thought of past…†I see you.†I think that line there is central to creating a logic or grammar of this work. Thanks, very unique. "
Posted by The Dybbuk on "Inner Malice" by Osha Red
- "Yes hello there I was wondering if you could send one of these my way so i can stick it in my body and show it to others later to prove i knew somebody like this.. and could you include a few sexul things and maybe something dirty?.. Thankxxx... No seriously i have now found another romantic in the house and i thought heartsdriplove was the only one.. "
Posted by Devilish on ""Remember i love you... my all... of my end"" by Osha Red
- "I love the last the last sentance. I like the detail in the intro as your placing your layout. ][ ]["
Posted by Unknown on "Inner Malice" by Osha Red