
darkestburningstar's picture
i am perfectly flawed
i am perfectly incomplete
Like cracks in the glass
And flames full of grass

i am perfectly flawed
i am perfectly incomplete
A work in progress
Perfection is killing me

A disguise of self-deception
Hides my secrets perfectly
I'm injecting my reflection
because i hate the way it judges me -- OTEP

darkestburningstar's Works

Lyrics (Depressed)2007-12-17You Can't Save Me
Poetry (Reflective)2007-12-17The Forest
Poetry (Horror)2007-12-17Christmas Colors
Poetry (Depressed)2008-02-11love you -- goodbye
Poetry 2013-02-09Stupid
Rant (Reflective)2013-02-09Let go or cease to exist
Poetry 2013-02-09Let go????
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