Moving to Misery
By MayIGoDarker
Nobody here for me to take the ride with,
To sit alone on the bench all my life,
Standing on the corner alone in this world,
Alone with my own shadow, walking with me.
Nobody to believe in me, all my own hope,
Always missing my opportunities, evading all opportunities,
Never looking back to look at my previous move,
Never to learn from my prior mistakes.
Slitting my wrist by destroying my future,
To make my life lonely, to move in to misery,
Again making a previous mistake, never learning,
Falling from the sky never to let out the chute.
Pulverizing my emotions by getting checkmate again,
One of these days I'll do what's right for me,
The day I learn from past regrets, the day I'll be happy,
Creating new regrets for the future, I'll never be happy.
Never to bring you along in my life,
Laying in bed at a elder age to perish,
The one-way ticket will expire by time I learn.
You're suppose to be by me, by my side, by your side,
But to always run away, perish as one lonely soul,
Goodbye once again my love, always to leave the good behind.