silent massacred
By darkmoonrose
Screams of the dead fill my dreams
Hollow screams of agony fill my soul
Cries of the children of fill the night as there
Silent dance starts the massacred of endless death
Tortured souls of purgatory fill the dreams
Seductive dreams haunt me with dark thoughts
The children cry for my soul as they bleed what is left of me
No more pain will I feel for the dying child inside
Is gone. All that is left is a empty shell of someone once
Listen to the children of the night
There tormented souls long left behind
waiting to found.
Hopelessness fills my heart
No one remembers me
Listen to them as they sing there silent dance of the night
Mournful cries of the children turn my dreams to nightmares
Loneliness fills my heart emptiness fills my soul waiting for them to let
me join there silent massacred.
Wanting to leave this life behind
To dance with you in the darkness
To feel your cold embrace letting you take me in this endless night
No more pain shall I feel for the children wait for me to lead them in
this silent Massacred. Listen to the children of the night I let there
mournful song fill me with peace No more pain remains as I am gone
The darkness takes my soul in this endless massacred.
No one will remember me .
A work in progress