...For The Kids...
By pierced clover
From start to finish
It's like I always lose
Could it be true...
I'm a toy, I'm a fool
Who would ever want me?
Why even be?
I've lost all meaning, all hope
I'm entirely broke
My heart has been drained
And who'd to blame?
Only I...
For I'm the blindest of the blind
Stop me from falling inlove
I should know by now...
They're not all sent from above
What am I to do?
I'm gonna die an old, lonely shrew
How did life get so bad?
Why am I always this mad?
Could it be, I'm just plain old sad?
Who knows?
Not me...
Supposed to know myself
But it's hidden on a hidaway shelf
Behind locked doors
The truth there lyes
All the reasons I cry
But who'd ever wonder why?
They're all busy passerbys
Give me a reason to live...
How about for the kids?
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Copyright 2005 pierced clover
Published on Saturday, May 28, 2005.
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