This evening marks the beginning...
By SluG
I can paint you an oil canvas painting with the prettiest field of wheat
grass...where we can run forever and never tire out...and we can fly...up
into the clouds
and run the clouds into our lungs as we fly higher and feels
...a blanket when you cover your head to ward off the dont
know if it will work, but somehow, it always sounds like...
...the most beautiful peice of music that cant express the weakness my
head feels every day from day dreams of you...
the love from one swan to another is said to be ours...
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Copyright 2005 SluG
Comments on "This evening marks the beginning..."
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A former member wrote:
.. *sigh*.. Did you know that I absolutely adore you?
On Tuesday, March 29, 2005, SluG
(35) wrote:
I honestly want to hug you, you make me feel like I do sooo good with my poetry, not bad for a 17 yr. old kid huh? lol ~S.
On Monday, March 28, 2005, Sin
(1135) wrote:
wow...this was tender and touching
On Friday, January 26, 2007, Sin
(1135) wrote:
this still makes me sigh and smile..i cant believe this doesnt have more comments