By Dolly_Fatale
Your eyes were like the murky waters of a calm tide pool, teasing to clear
up and leave one with secrets only their own eyes ever were lucky enough
to perceive. I'd lie there and watch you for hours, full with fascination,
past eager to see deep down into you. I waited for what seemed forever,
unconsciously holding my breath far too often, determined that there was
something beautiful down there. I waited for the waters to clear, but every
time I thought I was beginning to have a peek deeper down, the fear in
your heart would jump like a restless little fish caught in that tide pool
and stir those waters up again. Over and over. I lie still, I held my breath
and bit my tongue...tried so hard not to shake up your little world, hopeful
things would settle and we both could see clearly...clear enough for me
to understand you, and enough for you to trust. Days passed like this.
You picked at me like a ravenous gull, taking all the better parts and
leaving me with the rotten pieces full with nothing to offer. The joke
is that I never hid from you. I left myself out in the open, during the
sunset of my dying hope, and let you take what you you would.
You made me sweat like the smell of sea salt, bitterly beautiful. Beneath
the sheets we’d writhe, together, beautifully…like mermaids
under sea who’d been choked of their ability to breathe air through
water. Those were the times you’d tell me secrets laced with the
essence of desire, adoration, maybe even love. You’d catch your
breath and hold onto me, swearing, full of lies, to never let me go…but
morning came, and the sun rose over an already dead day. You tossed me
out to sea, as I ignorantly wished upon the last star in the ending twilight…wished
this was all some fun game, and you’d reel me in. Instead, you left
me drowning and kept all the pieces of me you’d picked away, building
secrets with them in memory of me, memory which you lie was never there.
Comments on "You..."
A former member wrote:
You can tell by your writing that you have a lot of talent. "unconsciously holding my breath".. lines like this I love, because they hold truth with them.. The kind of things we do that go un-noticed to us. Good write. ~Wish Upon A Star
On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, Dolly_Fatale
(29) wrote:
thanks. truth that lies in simple things goes unnoticed too often.