By Sleepwalker
A secret, an ommission, a spoken half-truth,
each one is a lie.
Secrets never to be revealed, hidden deep within
the confines of your mind.
Omissions never spoken, only echoed softly in your
private thoughts.
Half-truths devulged proudly, boastful so appearances
remain clean.
Are you scared? Are you worried? Are you nervous,
that you'll be discovered?
No....In the cold black abyss that is your heart,
Truth has no place.
What is truth? Do you know? In your panoramic view
of the world, does it exist?
Truth to you is an animal that has now become extinct. No
longer alive, but lifeless and void.
Deception comes in many tongues and you are fluent in all.
This language told by you through secrets,
omissions, and half-truths.
Comments on "DECEPTION"
A former member wrote:
"Deception comes in many tongues and you are fluent in all." --- i liked this line.
On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, Savannah
(218) wrote:
Ahh, the things you write about... They seem to be about the things that you know best. "Deception"... you should write a book on the subject.
A former member wrote:
One truth and one truth and one truth make too many truths... Nice work. ~Meat~
A former member wrote:
Unfortunatelly I guess a lot of us can relate to this work. I loved it. *Lilith*