I Know
By shadowwv
I know I have said the words in my mind but have I said them aloud?
I know I have said the words in my heart but have I said them aloud?
I know I have showed the words in action but have I said them aloud?
I know I have said the words to myself aloud but have I said them to you?
I know I have wanted to for along long time but you have not wanted them.
I know I have yearned to for along long time but you would not have accepted
I know I have let them shine thru my eyes but you have not wanted to see
I know I have feared loosing a friend by acknowledging them.
I know you have also feared such deep within if you hear them.
I know you have been hurt and betrayed by others who have said them.
I know you have issues and doubts to still conquer as a result of them.
I know you have held the belief that it’s protectiveness at work on my
part and not them.
I know regardless of it all from my heart, my spirit and my soul, I love
10 June 2002 shadowwv