Follow Blindly
By M4V3rIcK
Death to my vision
blind I shall serve
For I am a lamb
and Pain and Hate
are my shepards
They lead me through life
with their sisters Misery
and Sorrow
Showing me the happiness
and joy of others, but
denying me any of my own
Tears fill my eyes and a
heaviness fills my heart
Collapsing to my knees and
staring to the heavens
I scream but nothing comes
forth from my throat, but a
bloody gurgle as I am strangled
by the shadows of my depression
I fall to the ground as I breath
my final breathe
The laughter of my shepards
Pain and Hate, and their sisters
Misery and Sorrow
Fills my ears, like a twisted and
maniacal death song
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Copyright 2003 M4V3rIcK
Published on Friday, November 28, 2003.
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