
By magpythief

Saying nothing
Buried, forgotten
Not a gesture
No expression
No one to reach for
Nothing to believe
Untarnished accounts
The greatest balance
Men of reputation

A slow cultivation of minuscule admiration
Victorious over burning desire and passion

Everything a child is meant to be

Old indications
Selected for grave deprecation
Emotional regulation dispels any risk for infatuation

A boy in dreams yet sorrow sings
Fantasy envelops all he has been
Speak of it though and all shame rings

Modern expression
Tantamount to toddler tantrums

A lover swoons
But only under the shrouding moon

An artist breathes life into a boring picture
But only when galleries reasonably figure

A scientist throws back and forth his calculation
Desperate to solve his biggest ambition
Importantly his thesis maintains its simple notion

Respect for reason and data
All else is lawless
Respect for everything other than soul
How could we live with anarchistic coil?

Bred for slavery
Bred for cowardice
Worshipping only computational prowess

Immoral impulse, crime of passion, freakish perversions
Threaten. our. noble. nation.

So silence the tantrum and extinguish each flame
Replace the soul with digital mimics and chains

Sleep easy now
Not to worry
There's nothing to fear!

Except every human's ugly soul

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Copyright 2023 magpythief
Published on Monday, November 20, 2023.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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