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Red puffy eyes with tears falling down.
A mothers worst nightmare has came back around.
Her son has picked back up an old habit,
& Its the return of heroins advocate.
Destroying what was once called a home.
Knowing hes scared feeling all alone.
Wanting to help only to be hurt.
Try stop him from leaving grabbing his shirt.
With a tight grip ripping apart.
Wishing he'd understand so is your heart.
Expecting the worst searching for strength to find.
On bending knees praying this isnt the time.
The thought alone bares emotions too sad.
What happened to the baby you once had.
Looking too others who may have lost.
Willing to do anything no matter the cost.
Only to be told its an incurable disease.
Thats not as easy to stop when you please.
Regretting the day that has yet to arrive..
charashing each moment your sons still alive.