The Surface
By Bittersweet Life
Internal heaviness holds me in the depths of myself
I struggle and claw my way to the surface
I wander betwixt the empty, searching for
A semblance of substance, a dull flicker of life
I preach as I roam, the nothings they want to hear
My flawless façade becomes me
I stretch my skin to hide the illusion
A blanket of flesh and words to mask my soul
The emptiness suffocates me, I choke on nothingness
Blind eyes judge the mask that I desperately wish to shed
Dim minds hold no answers, nor questions
Frustration begets hopelessness
As the empty parade proudly before me
Fog hangs over all, acrid and stale with ignorance
A veiled truth, remaining unsought
My skin stretches and shallows
And tears with every disappointment
The surface promises purity, yet toxifies my heart
I shed my mask and flee the screams
Allowing my heaviness to drag me beneath
Where my skin is un-stretched and supple
And my tears free me
Revelling in sweet mud, and dancing in the storm
I feel home