A Love Unrequited
By coagulatewithin
A love unrequited imprisons the one who envisions a life of precision
the palpable distance ensues the affliction just like a head on collision
I listened and listened to all of your wishes depicted no longer as princess
eyes of black witness division a heart once so grand now wicked
And though i have chosen this life now broken somehow i still call it fate
believe me its hopeless to continue to focus on what we cannot explain
when all else fails breathe in exhale and let the pieces fall into place
there's things we can't change so don't suffocate you'll find that it's
better this way
A love unrequited is often well hidden but sometimes emotions escape
feeling diminished an image so vivid like falling flat onto your face
the minutes now mimic reality frigid I wonder how much can I take
committed and rigid though timid within I will never give in to the hate
Onward through time passing my mind these thoughts no longer controlling
learning from my mistakes as I climb the ladder of life ever slowly
don't dwell in the past remember the laughs but look to the moments unfolding
taking a chance to stray from the path you'll feel the love exploding
Comments on "A Love Unrequited"
A former member wrote:
The opening lines in this poem are just amazing, I can't believe that nobody else has commented yet. Love is a delightful prison, but a prison all the same. Very nice depiction here. Reb:).
On Monday, February 20, 2017, coagulatewithin
(25) wrote:
Thank you I appreciate the feedback!