The First Hello
By Alice_I_Wonder
Eyes meet.
Hearts stop.
Smiles appear
It's a different kind of love.
It's not the kind people write books about, but it's real.
A hello is spoken,
Neither party is certain how this will work out.
Both know though,
The days are numbered, the friendships fade with years.
Days spent together,
They turn into nights, they turn into memories.
We laugh. We smile. We love.
It's not romance- it's just love.
The love you share with a best friend.
These smiles and laughs turn into memories,
But the love is always to stay.
A day.
A month.
A year.
Slowly, the eyes don't meet.
The smiles turn into tears as each party disappears from the other.
Yet the memories remain the reason we smile.
It's hard to say it.
But without saying it, another word would never be said.
Our worlds have become separate and apart.
Our everydays merged forever.
Thank you for the happiness.
Thank you.
for the hello.