Be Your Dog
By Swirly Skulls
You wipe the cold sweat from your head
blinded by the troubles in your head
You fling your jacket off and rake your hands through your hair, shaking
it out
~ ~ ~
I can't breathe
I can't think
I'm a thousand miles away from your saving grace
I can't believe I'm racing with these thoughts
Impulses shock through me
running my energy, moving my body like never before
I see hazy images of your face
they cascade like rain over me
every word and every thought you've shared
they're embedded in me
stitched tight through all the ugly
It doesn't matter that I was helpless
It doesn't matter that I was conned
~ ~ ~
Your head turns and your hair twirls,
dancing around your face
I'm walking with your senses
your memories fold in my skin
burrown and bed in my pores
I still see your hair moving
shaping and fitting
I still feel it
twirling around my fingers