Ophelia, you're just so stupid.
By TornPieces
Ophelia Ophelia, oh your lies are sweet,
the taste of honey ,
and your treasure to keep.
Defiled in a garden,
picked like a flower
your eyes roll over
and the love is
Cant find your hands ,
you fumble with your words.
So clumsy but picturesque, Ophelia is.
She climbs in the night
into her bed,
and her nails betray her
they dig into her
lovers back.
I want lust lust lust,
the flesh screams
and Ophelias innocence seeps into her eyes
the last place untainted
by cries
Ophelia cries in her legs,
she cries
in her sleep
those hands are lies
they're not real ,
what you sow you reap
You guilty treasure,
and filthy
your lies are like ants that eject through your mouth
evil ophelia,in your very core.
I hate you Ophelia and thats
why you died
so dumb a death so stupid, dont hide dont run.
You fell and died and drowned and sank.
I stepped on your
your face white and blank
Dont lie to me ophelia,
thats why your dead....
your lies consumed you.
please believe me,
I dont lie, im not dead
been reaching to life mute and deaf.
hurt me once more, and let
the last blood curdle
under my tongue
where tenderness lives.
your touch inside
against my skin.
Dont leave me
dont leave me cries ophelia
Please save me ,
to the woman,
as it wills her
to the stranger who did not know
she was in
the hands of her creator and killer.
Ophelia is a character that intrigued me since I was in High school.
However, this piece is not completely about Ophelia as the character.
~Torn Pieces (author -Tinywindow) 1/26/13