Flapping Away
By Dysha
I want to feel filled & elated in my heart. To remember a caress of my
cheek & laughter in my head. Giggle randomly to myself about an inside
joke. To walk in a glow created just for me.
To happily do
things cuz I want to. Be embraced, live for awhile in a world of my making.
Forget time & place. Feel that i've always felt this way. Stress, worry,
frustration vague memories from my past.
To have the beginning
of love. To relinquish fear of pain, throw caution out & plunge into an
unknown abyss audaciously. This only earned by destruction of safety built
by small hurts & pain.
Bravado ever enduring, stubbornness held
fast & tight. To truly seek pleasure requires u to walk thru pain, but
the pain fear traps u tight to the ground. Break invisible, self-shackled
chains. Feels like u r asking me to fly by flapping my arms.