What I saw..
By eske
My mood was lost deep down sunk under all that happened.
Even though I'm not the one with the tragedy I felt the pain at that second.
The second in which I looked straight in his eyes full of shock. I made
sure that I didn't misunderstand what was happening. I was never there
but this is what I saw... Broken crystal shards large and within my mind
I felt them piercing in my hand as if I'd actually pick them up with my
bare hands. I saw the carpet gray with the color red around the glass.
The smell now came into my mind oh how sweet the wine, oh how sweet the
blood. Now wondering what to do, what to think I stood in front of him
with shock still in him he stared at me and asked. "Who would do this
to me?" my envy had become strong and the last detail was his lover dead
and her Roses dead. Now annoyed with the questions brought "why?" and
"who?" I felt tired of it all and I knew who had done it but I was saving
it as a surprise. Until the last question came "who do you think it was?"
I looked at him and gave a grin and answered with pride "me". I took the
blade and cut his throat. The envy so much envy in me and I always thought
that I wasn't the jealous type. Good night my friends my only friends
I pay for the respect every now and then. With dead roses and broken cups
to remind me of that day with the broken crystal shards.