By gnrrain
From the day you are born
You are told what to believe in
When you go off on your own
You’re told that it’s a sin
You have to have faith
Not something you can see
Nor something tangible
Faith is of its own decree
Believe this
Believe that
Just believe
It’s all bullshit
No matter what you want
Or what you feel you believe
When you don’t conform
You are said to deceive
You won’t win
Or be accepted
It’s all sin remember
You’re better off dead
Everything has been done
So don’t try and mold
Don’t sit and wait
You will not be called bold
You are not the first
You are not the starter
You mean absolutely nothing
You will not become a martyr
You cannot have your own faith
It just doesn’t work that way
You’re rejected everywhere you go
So just end it all and pray
Be a conformist
Just like everyone else
Be confused
Just like everyone else
You’re born to die
No one cares less
So what does it matter
If you speed the process
Who really, honestly won’t get over it?
Please, you should just let it happen
Now, you can feel a whole lot better
Knowing that all of this has come to an end
--David Martin--
Comments on "Faith"
A former member wrote:
i cant say i agree with this but i did go through a time where i did...all i can say is i became Christian because i got very obviously woken up to it (former occultist and former former atheist =/) and honestly when i became Christian it was a complete truth, and all the bs in my life finally became almost insignificant...and God spoke to me...but u convey a feeling very well, and for that i give u applause, its not easy to get across a message, well done