Once Again
By ReddropX
This night
Unlike any other
As the wind blows outside
It stirs within another
At that moment in time
When the last star has awaken
Peering through its black velvet blanket
I've become one…
A single word flashes before me
Brings me to ecstasy
To your lips I press my fingertip
Lay your head upon me
The door to nothing
Cracked open once more
Is there anything...
out there?
Can’t escape the allure
Still haven't answered the question
Fallen in love?
A moment frozen in time?
That's the beauty of two souls in rhyme
A single moment parallels life times
The rest can be cruel and unkind
That’s ok for a while
At times I somehow made you smile
And just for that little while
The world was well, once again....
Even though my eyes can't see
They’re veiled behind encrypted code
Maybe in time barriers will erode
Our limitations all too real
I look inside myself and feel
The person who's fast becoming a part of me
And everything seems like it should
Maybe, I shouldn't feel so good
When morning comes I'm misunderstood
I never thought I’d breakdown and explain
Sorrow coursing through my veins
To a person that I've not yet met
Somehow her words make me forget
With laughs and smiles she brings to me, begin
And for a little while
The world has become well, once again.