Random Facts About Iwas

Just for fun, a little information supplied by Iwas.
Leftwing Commie or Rightwing Nutjob?Neither polotics bore me. Id rather be outside then sitting infront of a tv watching a bunch of ego maniacs spout dribble about things they know nothing of.
Carrier of flower or carrier of seeds?I like flowers.
Ancient as the bedrock or just starting to rock?Ive rocked before now im just kinda rolling.
What's your sign cutie?Tarous
Why a Dark Poet and not a Sunshine Scribbler?not sure. I guess I havnt run into to many happy bouncy things that inspire me.
Who really messed up your life?its not messed up just a little disorganized.
Favorite smell or stinks like hell?invert it stinks like hell but relaxes me.
Beginning writer or lifer?A lifetime beginner
Does blood allure you or does it disturb you?it doesn't bother me. Never had no feelings about it.
There is no God, or God is you, or God will probably smite you for suggesting otherwise?Gods my main dude.
My heroes are:My son saved my life.
You should know this about me:I don't like slippers and I think crocs are ridiculous.
What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?
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