Poetry Contest: Scavenger Hunt Contest

Scavenger Hunt Contest Results

Grand prize: DC$ 30

Contest Creator: Lydia Jade

The rules were given as the following:

This contest is a scavenger hunt, no writing involved...okay maybe a little.
It is point based, the person with the most collective points in the end wins 30 ducats. There are also secondary prizes for most creative and funniest photos. The sponsors of the contest will also be given 50 points to distribute in increments of 5 to any photo they like in particular, for whatever reasons. Sponsors are allowed to participate so those points cannot be awarded to themselves.

Your pictures must be uploaded to a photo site, such as photobucket.com, not Facebook. You must upload them all into a single album and label each photo with the contest goal it is completing. Then you must post the link on dark poetry, the title must be your screen name and scavenger hunt, example "Jades Scavenger Hunt", you then enter the post into the contest.

The rules are fairly simple and are as fallows:

All pictures must be original.

No Photoshop and no stealing pictures off the internet. We will be checking for authenticity and if we find its stolen you are disqualified completely. If we believe any picture is otherwise unauthentic, meaning it didn't fallow the rules in any way we may disqualify the single picture. This is somewhat a game of honesty, we are trusting you to be good sports and try to earn a win...not steal one.

Any pictures that require you to have a strangers face in the shot must have permission by that individual.

You don't have to complete them all, just as many as possible.

If you have questions about any of the rules or anything else feel free to dpmail me.

Here are your goals:

1. Picture of yourself riding a penny horse or other coin operated ride. (10 points)

2. Picture of a real phone booth. (5 points)

3. Picture with a Walmart greeter doing thumbs up (10 points)

4. Make a scene from a famous movie using stuff around your house (10 points)

5. Dress up as a super hero and get a picture of yourself shaking hands with a cop (20 points)

6. Make a fort take a picture (5 points)

7. Take a picture of yourself cleaning up a piece of litter (5 points)

8. Strange tree (5 points)

9. Picture of yourself giving a flower to a bum (10 points)

10. Picture of yourself hanging a spoon from your nose in a restaurant (10 points)

11. Picture of a man running the bases in a baseball field wearing a bra (20 points)

12. Picture of yourself standing in the grass by a "don't walk on grass" sign holding a sign that says "Rebel". (10 points)

13. Picture of yourself recreating the blurry Sasquatch photo in the woods. (20 points)

14. Picture of yourself dressed like a zombie chasing a stranger. (20 points)

15. Picture of yourself talking to a stranger via a home made sock puppet (20 points)

16. Picture of a store clerk ringing up some kind of embarrassing cream (20 points)

17. Picture of you being a tree hugger...literally (5 points)

18. Picture of an outdoor food vendor holding out whatever they are selling (10 points)

19. Make a trail of candies leading into a old fashioned home made box trap with a sign that says "free candy" on a busy sidewalk. (20 points)

20. Picture of a strangers toes. (5 points)

21. Picture of yourself doing a jig to the music of a street performer. (20 points)

22. Make a tinfoil hat take a picture of you wearing it in public holding a sign that says "they are watching". (20 points)

23. Picture of yourself drinking blue Gatorade from a windex bottle in public (10 points)

24. Empty your pockets at the end of the day and take a picture of the contents (5 points)

25. Get a strangers autograph and have them write some words of life advice and them take a picture of the paper. (5 points)

26. A picture of someone saluting people as they exit old navy. (10 points)

27. Picture of another dp member (you must take the picture yourself and the person must have been a member prior to contest start). (20 points)

28. Picture of a bartender holding a paper that says"I heart darkpoetry.com" (10 points)

29. Picture of someone with a mullet (they must agree to the picture and be holding a sing that says I rock the mullet). (20 points)

30. Picture of yourself or someone else posing with condoms at a grocery store. (10 points)

31. Take a picture of yourself or someone else pretending to be a blooming flower in front of an RV. (10 points)

32. The bathroom art on the stalls of a public restroom (10 points)

33. Picture of a mascot. (10 points)

34. Spy picture (you decide what that means, nothing inappropriate). (10 points)

35. Oldest or strangest headstone at a cemetery (5 points)

36. Weirdest local animal (5 points)

37. Funny billboard. (5 points)

38. Stuffed toy on bus stop bench (5 points)

39. Original personalized licence plate (5 points)

40. Something blue (5 points)

41. Someone posing like Elvis (10 points)

42. Weirdest food you can find (5 points)

43. Strangest vending machine item. (5 points)


Be creative, and original...think outside the box, but most of all have fun!



Contest Entries for "Scavenger Hunt Contest"

Title Entered Award
GZ Scavenger Hunt2012-09-02Winner!
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