Poetry Contest: Marriage of Metaphors

Marriage of Metaphors Results

Grand prize: DC$ 12

Contest Creator: Maladroit

The rules were given as the following:

This contest is all about the unlikely metaphors that you can marry.
Judges will be looking for the entirety of your work to combine an unlikely object/concept to one of the following mates:

Ie: life is like trees, death is like a five mile run, love is like a snow globe, birth is like a window

The entry you submit must be new work.
There is no minimum or maximum word limit. Judges will be looking for imagery, creativity, proper spelling, proper use of homonyms, and flow.
We want a grand wedding of words.

There are three judges. Two will remain anonymous until closing. These poets are opposite in style and the are two of the most favorited members here. This will provide a range of input that we hope to keep unbiased. Your poems will be scored and averaged among the three.
Best of luck.

If you have questions, pm me.
Contest closes Aug 31


Contest Entries for "Marriage of Metaphors"

Title Entered Award
Molting Phoenix Feathers2012-08-19
acid wash: an exercise in metaphor2012-08-22
Life on Planet Earth2012-08-21
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