Poetry Contest: It's Not the Size of the Boat...

It's Not the Size of the Boat... Results

Grand prize: DC$ 32

Contest Creator: Amaryllis

The rules were given as the following:

it's the motion in the ocean. But, it's mighty hard to cross the Atlantic in a pirogue!

I have been told many times that the length of a lot of my poetry limits my exposure. It seems most people don't want to take the time to read exceptional lengthy poems. Still, I have stayed true to my passion and continue to write, read, and enjoy longform poetry. Sometimes a story must be told lavishly and extensively to properly convey its magnificence.

It's true that longer pieces don't get nearly as many views or comments as shorter pieces; but, usually those that take the time to read them do not come away disappointed.

So, I have a double contest that will hopefully help to promote all aspects of this neglected type of poetry.

"What Is It?"

The main contest will award a total of 32 dc to the winner, which is also enough for a quarter of full membership here at DarkPoetry.

The rules:

1.) Write and post an original longform or epic-length poem. Minimum length is about 1,000 words or 5 single-spaced pages in a word processing program. Maximum length is unlimited. If you must post the piece in parts due to works length limits, please note that in your author's note and use the inspired by feature for the subsequent piece(s) to make them easy to find for judging.

2.) No specific form or meter is required and it need not rhyme. However, poetic forms are encouraged...for at least a portion of the piece. Free verse is happily accepted.

3.) The poem should tell a story with developed characters, settings, a plot and a conclusion. Point of view is entirely up to you. Characters with emotions are highly encouraged.

4.) Tag your work as "epic".

I know it seems a daunting task at first, especially if you've never attempted a longform poem, but once you get started and into a rhythm, you will be surprised how easily and quickly your piece will unfold.

"It's In Your Face..."

The mini-contest will award 6 dc, which is a month of basic membership, to a member that meets the following criteria.


1.) Read longform, epic length, and otherwise deemed lengthy poems posted on this site (they do not have to be entries) and then give honest and constructive critique/feedback in the form of comments on the piece.

2.) DP mail before the closing of the contest, the earlier the better, to have your comments reviewed for eligibility.

Simple as that. The member that provides the most (in both quantity and quality) critique/feedback comments on long poems will win.

I have given the longest amount of time a contest can run for this undertaking and I know that it is a large one, so don't put it off and let time slip away from you. I want as many entries as possible.

For examples, please check my profile and read a few of my works, especially "The Beam" and "Pinktopussy".

Please DP mail me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Good Luck!


Contest Entries for "It's Not the Size of the Boat..."

Title Entered Award
The Bear and the Bee2012-01-20
-Of Crowns & Curses-2012-02-21
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