Poetry Contest: Free in chains - free verse

Free in chains - free verse Results

Grand prize: DC$ 10

Contest Creator: Adam

The rules were given as the following:

Members will have two ways to win the contest

Let flourish in the best way that you know how, what keeps you all chained up. What keeps you from being free, as free as you want to be.
Let us know how you do everything you want to do. Tell us about when people piss you off, how you just chained their legs, dip them in cement, and toss them in the lake.

We the judges (me) are looking for you to pick the best style, free verse, or organized. Let us reach into you and feel what holds you back from telling the world to fuck off! If the world already knows about you and to stay away show us how you told the man in all its detailed and creative glory.


Contest Entries for "Free in chains - free verse "

Title Entered Award
Through the Glass2009-11-26
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