Poetry Contest: Short Story Contest

Short Story Contest Results

Grand prize: DC$ 15

Contest Creator:

The rules were given as the following:

This contest is seeking submissions, from the authors on our site, to submit their best short story.
Subject matter must be completely original (no fan fiction) and at least 350 words.
Entries must also meet 5 basic elements of a short story: Setting, Plot, Conflict, Character, and Point of View.
Stories told from the Stream of Consciousness point of view (The story is told so that the reader feels as if they are inside the head of one character and knows all their thoughts and reactions)will be awarded bonus points on judging.
Proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling will all also be used as a metric to judge contestant entries.
Good luck and I look forward to reading some great short stories!--Draven


Contest Entries for "Short Story Contest"

Title Entered Award
One More Go2010-02-28Winner!
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