I'd like to write a little bit about Ani Defranco. I once was dating this wonderful girl who introduced me to Ani. She played her CD's and I feel in love with her. Her words are the power I live for. Now back to this wonderful girl. If it wasn’t for her, I would not be here living today. She means the world to me. She played guitar with me, and gave me a new life. If I had Ani and this wonderful girl in my room at the same time I would....well you know. I can’t help but call victim to my own mental health. I've had anxiety attacks, been depressed, and even had thought of suicide. But medical drugs have pushed me through the times. Now after being on the same drug for over 3 years, my body is rejecting it. I'm confused to why, but this is only another block in the road. Hopefully I will get through this one. Feel free to post your messages to me. E-Mail me anytime with DPEmail. I could use someone, like the wonderful girl I once was with.
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